I mentioned in my last post that I went home this past weekend, as it was a long weekend here in Canada and my roommate and I decided to utilize that time to take a small road trip together. I had never taken her to visit my home town in all the years that we have been besties (that's many), and since I have been spending every other weekend there lately, it felt pretty fitting. I also just love road trips. A road trip day is automatically the best day, and waking up on a road trip day is the best thing. I love getting the well-thought-out snacks. I love the playlists. I love the overtired giddiness & the more than usual coffee intake. I love talking with someone that I like enough for long enough that I end up losing my voice.
If you follow me on Instagram (you can do that by following @dollparade), you would see that I posted only a few photos. That's really unlike me, but I guess I can chalk it up to the fact that I was busy having a lot of fun. Also unlike me is the fact that my real deal camera did not have one singular meal documentation. I promise that we ate & that we ate really well. We also drank draft beers in a legion, danced in both a hilarious dive bar & a living room, ate at a tiny, charming diner, listened to this song almost too many times, drove through some mountains & some meadows, had a visit with the ocean, spent time with my wonderful family, had lovely times with hometown pals of mine, found a roadside ice cream place that does double dipped cones (chocolate & coconut, guys - plus the coconut was multicolored), and had some chatter filled moments, but also some quiet ones. A successful little roadie.
I am from this place. This place is just the most beautiful. In this place, there is a well known 300-ish km drive called the Cabot Trail. This place is considered one of the top 10 island destination in the world. This is because it is wildly beautiful. We didn't get to do it all because it takes a good bit of time, it's a bit before season right now, and because it was raining sideways for almost the whole weekend. But we got to do some parts, and those parts were super nice. Embarrassingly enough, I have never done the whole trail, even though it is where I am from. I now have a goal to go back & do it all and do it soon. Below is a bit of a photo bombardment of the weekend, but it honestly just scratches the surface of how much pretty there is in this place. As you may have gathered, I have kind of fallen for my home town after 28 years of being from there and 11 of living away. It's funny how that works.
I hope you enjoyed reading this bombardment of words. There are more of them than I anticipated. Have yourself a wonderful Thursday.

This honestly sounds like the most amazing weekend. Spending time with family/friends, eating, drinking and having a good time are the best. Your hometown is gorgeous, love these shots from your visit
A lovely collection of photos. You really are a brilliant photographer. And the weekend sounds perfect. A good mix of foods and treats and friends and family and scenery! Thanks for sharing with us :)
I've only been to Cape Breton once, but it was incredibly beautiful and I have such happy memories from my visit there.
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